Sunday, July 24, 2011

Talk with me... Not at me

This week, I came across this amazing presentation from a Cannes Workshop.  It talks about brand's starting movements, and I couldn't help but think this is the future of advertising.

Clearly we can tell people don't want to be talked at -- instead, they want to be spoken with.

Creating movements is about organising a group of passionate advocates who rally around an idea on the rise in culture to bring change.

To a certain degree, this is what brands with purpose are trying to do -- create change or contribute to the greater whole. The key point, in the above definition, is about rallying around 'an idea on the rise in culture'. This indicates communicating your message to in a relevant/meaningful way to capture the interest of your audience.

People today are looking for meaningful brands more and more, and like I've mentioned before, this is not just a western desire, rather it's a global demand. So really, it seems like a natural evolution for more static one-way dialogues, traditional advertising, to transform into a more immersive and relevant conversation through messages and actions!  After all, it's in our nature to be social and want to belong to something greater than our everyday.  Brands have the power to inspire and excite people.

Lastly, movements are about the people and issues that are important to them. This is another huge opportunity for brands to leverage movement creation rather than traditional advertising, because they are engaging with their audiences in a more relevant and meaningful and the product becomes a facilitator to accomplishing that shared, overarching goal/dream/purpose.

I hope you enjoy this presentation as much as I did.